Pocket Heart Instructions
Place one front heart (with embellishment) and one back heart wrong sides together. Use a blanket stitch to sew hearts together (instructions below). Beginning on one side, sew about three quarters of the way around. Stuff the heart lightly with stuffing. Do not overstuff; you want the heart to be soft. Finish sewing the rest of the way around. End with a straight backstitch
Knot the thread end after threading the needle. Insert the needle between the two layers of felt and through the edge at the starting point.
Making even stitches 1/8 to 1/4-inch apart, work from left to right with the cut edges towards you (see figures 1, 2 & 3). After finishing the heart, end with a small, straight back stitch to secure the last blanket stitch.
Help is available at the Garden Court from 10:30am - 3:00pm, Thursday and Friday.
For printable instructions, click here
To whom or where are these hearts sent when done?